Cupluri, doamne, domnisoare – Iti plac femeile focoase?

Anunt Escorta

Pentru doamnele care stiu sa guste viata din plinTelefon: 0763556383. Hello lovely gentleman s!

Clara you re best company and you re very welcome sweet young girl! 22 y old! Central located!

I m a girl not for quantity, only quality for wealthy men!

I really enjoy to take care of a man, gfe and will be happy to provide it during our meeting starting with 1h only after getting mutual chemistry and connection.

Please, respect my and your time. I don t reply to messages hi, how are you , send me pictures etc.

Only serious intentions.

Short introduction of yourself with expectations of the date in same day you call me, not for another time or weeks!

I m like a real girl like gifts and beautiful things.

You can surprise me and bring something nice that will make me happy if you wish so.

The more a woman is happy the more you will be loved by her!

I like to charm and be spoiled by my lovers.

I really enjoy creating strong connections during my dates.

I hope we will have the opportunity to meet.

I do not negotiate! I dont send pic with me, I dont do outcall just in my place!

With love, your clara!

Salutare domnilor, clara la dispozitie ta, 22 de ani, in zona centrala.

Imi place calitatea nu cantitatea, daca ajungi in my place este clar ca ne potrivim iar de aici totul va fi foarte simplu, exact ca ceea ce practic eu, serviciul simplu dar vei fi foarte multumit, pot sa-ti ofer gf experienta numai la 1h, asta nu inseamna ca se accepta anumite lucruri care depasesc limita bunului simt!

Nu practic serviciul total, nu practic masaj, deloc!

Nu se negociaza, nu accept vizita inutila, doar persoanele serioase care stiu ce isi doresc! Multumesc!

Doresc sa va informez ca eu lucrez numai cu programare si cu 30 de minute inainte, cand stii ceea ce vrei imi spui exact cand ajungi cat timp stai, toate detaliile financiare si etc sunt oferite numai telefonic nu sms!

Simplu si la obiect eu nu accept cupluri, nu accept accesorii genitale, nu accept comportament vulgar, nu se fumeaza in locatie, nu se consuma cafea sau etc!

Rog sa respectati programarea si nu in ultimul rand daca doresti poti face orice cadou doresti, pe langa ceea ce s-o intamplat intre noi!

La revedere! Sper ca am fost destul de explicita si nu vei suna cu pretextul :)) nu am vazut poza, nu am citit si etc, astea deja is minciuni, iar la mine nu functioneaza asta!


Judetul: Ilfov, Oras: Fundeni


Escorta 4U,Escorta Istanbul,Escorta Sector 3,Escorte Ilfov,Escorte Fundeni, Www.Fete Care Vor Sa Se Cupleze,Parneci M Ileana Roxana,Filme Pentru Aldulti Lezbi
